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Flicking your disc into the center hole for maximum drinking and points is the main object of the game.  Accuracy, strategy, and teamwork are of utmost importance as you and your partner attempt to become Flickum champions. With multiple obstacles and other discs blocking your path, you must work with your partner to make sure every shot counts. 


Along the way, enjoy hours of fun with friends and family and turn a boring gathering into an epic night!

how to play

  1. Playing partners should be seated opposite each other.  Each player will start with 5 discs each of the same color chip.

  2. Players take turns going clockwise, with each player placing a disc anywhere in the Flickum Area directly in front of them. Using a flicking motion with any finger, launch the disc onto the playing area.  Pushing or sliding the disc instead of using a flicking motion results in loss of turn.

  3. There are three scoring zones on the board, with the center zone worth 3 points, the inner zone worth 2 points and the outer zone worth 1 point.

  4. Any player that successfully drops a disc in the center zone results in the other team having to drink three times.  The disc should be removed and put in the 3pt. zone for easier point calculation at the end of the round.  

  5. Any disc that is knocked out of the playing area by an opposing team results in the team having to drink one time.  

  6. Once all the players have launched their discs, the scoring takes place with each team totaling their points.  The team with the higher number of points keeps point differential (ex. If team one has 7 points and team 2 has 10 points, then team two gets the excess total of 3 points for the round).  

  7. Rounds continue until one team successfully reaches 11 points.     

  8. Any disc that rests on any scoring line should be judged by players to determine whether more than 50% rests in any scoring area.  Points provided accordingly if more than 50% of disc is in scoring zone. 

  9. Any disc that is not resting completely flat in the center scoring zone is considered 2pts and must remain in the scoring area.  

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